My life has been shaped by many things, but perhaps more than anything, by the simple act of sitting in quiet reflection in a 19th-century Quaker Meetinghouse in the formative years of my childhood. Silently, I’d trace the brass tacks on the worn wooden benches while listening to the distant hum of passing trains, finding stillness in the rush of the world. Sunday mornings, a time family and friends gathered in quiet worship shaped my relationship to the world and those around me. These quiet pauses of contemplation have profoundly shaped my sense of self and community. Those moments of silent reflection, sensing "the light" or waiting to be "moved to speak” made me aware of the co-existence of an inner and external world. My Mind’s Eye paintings extend this practice, translating the complex dance of thoughts and emotions into visual form. Using simple, organic shapes like eyes, vertebrae, and hexagons, I create symbols that serve as visual sentences—personal hieroglyphics that mirror the mind’s ever-changing nature. Incorporating the principles of deep listening, I strive to embrace not just what is seen but also what is felt, heard, and experienced in silence. Listening requires a full engagement with the moment, a quieting of the mind to hear the layers beneath the surface. In my work, this manifests as a delicate balance between the seen and unseen, where each shape and symbol invites viewers to listen inwardly, to connect with their own quiet reflections. I title each piece with Emily Dickinson's prose, echoing her succinct, thoughtful language and my Quaker-inspired commitment to simplicity. Each work measures 22 x 30 inches and is crafted with acrylic, watercolor, and graphite on paper or canvas.


 to light , 2020, acrylic, watercolor and graphite on paper, 22 x 30 inches
 then return, 2020, acrylic, watercolor and graphite on paper, 22 x 30 inches
 a place called morning, acrylic and watercolor on paper, 22 x 30 inches, 2020
 to slender for the eye, acrylic and watercolor on paper, 22 x 30 inches, 2020
 to gather paradise, acrylic and graphite on canvas, 22 x 30 inches, 2020
 to slender for the eye II, 2020, acrylic, watercolor and graphite on paper, 22 x 30 inches
 another sky, 2020, acrylic, watercolor and graphite on paper, 22 x 30 inches
 such a thing as day, acrylic and watercolor on paper, 22 x 30 inches, 2020  
 a place called morning II, acrylic on canvas, 22 x 30 inches, 2020
to gather paradise II, acrylic and watercolor on paper, 22 x 30 inches, 2020